About Alberta Chicken Producers

Our Story

Alberta Chicken Producers is a provincial 'farmer-run' organization representing approximately 250 chicken farmers in Alberta. 

  • Our family-farms are passionately committed to providing consumers with safe, high quality, locally produced chicken, raised under the highest standards of animal care and food safety. 
  • 100% of chicken farmers in Alberta are certified under national Animal Care Program and On-Farm Food Safety Program as a condition of their licenses to market chicken. 
  •  Our farms are audited and certified annually by third-party auditors. 

Our industry is growing sustainably. 

  • Our family-farms produce over 181 million kg live weight of chicken annually, with a farm gate value of over $364 million. All of this is accomplished without subsidies or taxpayer dollars. 
  • In 2023, Alberta saw 8 new entrants into the chicken sector, and an average of 7 new entrants annually for the past 5 years. 
  • Our last survey identified 69% of Alberta’s chicken farmers are between the ages of 18 and 49 
  • Our unique combination of youth and experience has cemented our place in Alberta’s dynamic economic environment for years to come. 

We place high value on the partnerships that define our industry.

  • We are part of a community, an integrated value chain, working closely with hatcheries, processors, feed companies, researchers, and agriculture boards at the provincial and national level to deliver high quality chicken products to consumers. 

Alberta’s Regulations provide for unregulated production. Exemptions are applicable to: 

  • Producers who place less than 2,000 birds per calendar year: Once a Producer places more than 2,000 birds in once calendar year, the Producer is required to register as an authorized, quota holding Producer with the Board.
  • Colonies that place less than 6,000 birds per calendar year: Colonies that place more than 2,000 birds per year are required to purchase Communal Group Production Quota ($250 fee), which enables the Colony to place up to 6,000 birds per calendar year. Colonies that place 6,000 birds or more per year are required to register as an authorized, quota holding Producer 

Permitted Use of Unregistered Production: 

  • Personal consumption; 
  • Sale at a stall in a farmer’s market; or 
  • Sale to an adjacent legal land location. 

Registered Producers, including Registered Colonies, are not eligible for the Exemption. 

A Growing, Sustainable Business Model: 

Alberta’s chicken industry is thriving, growing and full of opportunity. 

Starting a new chicken farm business: 

There is always a cost associated with starting a new business in any industry. Agriculture is a capital intensive business, requiring land, machinery, barns, and in the Alberta chicken industry, quota: 

  • Chicken farmers in Alberta are not required to own quota; leasing is an option permitted for all licensed chicken producers in Alberta, including new entrants. 
  • The value of quota is not taken into account when calculating chicken farmer costs of production. The value of quota is a reflection of alternative investment options and the stability provided by supply management. 
  • Alberta Chicken Producers offers an Organic Lease Program to support certified organic producers in marketing their products. 
  • Alberta Chicken Producers offers a Direct Marketing Lease Program to producers who directly market their products to consumers. 

Our farmers are committed to the care of their birds and to providing consumers with safe, high- quality chicken. Canada has some of the highest food safety standards in the world. In fact, 100% of our farms are audited and certified annually under On-Farm Food Safety and Animal Care Programs. By purchasing fresh chicken, you are supporting local farmers who are committed to safe, high-quality chicken. Our farmers are consumers as well.

Hailey with chick

Directors & Staff

2024 Board of Directors


David Hyink

Director Headshots for Website-4

Tara deVries

Vice Chair

Rob Van Diemen


Wes Nanninga

Ross Bezovie

Ross Bezovie


2024 Producer Representatives

Byron Ference

Calgary South Rep

Anke Wierenga 

Calgary to Lacombe Rep

Arjan Spelt

Lacombe to Leduc

Hinke Therrien

Leduc North

Administration Staff

Director Headshots for Website-2

Geoff Brown

Executive Director

Geoff oversees operations and serves the Board of Directors. He implements and administers the Board’s Regulations and Policies, and executes the strategic priorities of the Board.

Phone: 780-488-2281

Jasmine Szoke

Office Administration & Project Assistant

The Office Administration & Project Assistant contributes to the efficiency of the day-to-day operations of the Alberta Chicken Producers office and delivery of service to producers, supports the work of the Management Team, Staff, Board Directors; and supports ACP’s public-facing communications as directed.

Vera Ward

Office Manager

Vera manages all personnel and office requirements; provides support to the Executive Director; and oversees the administration of Board meetings and documentation. She also serves as coordinator of the Alberta Poultry Industry Emergency Management Team, and represents our organization on the Condo Board.

Maria Leslie

Manager of Public Affairs & Strategic Partnerships

The Manager of Public Affairs and Strategic Partnerships is responsible for the development and execution of ACP’s marketing, internal/external/crisis communications, corporate social responsibility and government relations strategies.

Maria also serves as the Information Officer for the Alberta Poultry Industry Emergency Management Team. 

Robert Renema

Producer Programs & Research Manager

Dr. Robert Renema oversees our team of field Auditors and coordinates the On-Farm Food Safety and Animal Care Programs. He serves as data management coordinator for the Emergency Response Team, and is coordinator of the Research Committee.

Ashley Ward

Producer Programs Coordinator

The Producer Programs Coordinator is responsible for supporting the Producer Programs Manager in administering the On-Farm Food Safety Assurance and Animal Care Programs, supporting ACP’s research and technology transfer, developing practical on-farm tools and resources for producers, supporting the APIEMT, and liaising with industry stakeholders, academia and government on food safety, animal health, and disease management.

Laurie Power

Producer Services Coordinator

Laurie is our primary contact for producers. She updates and maintains the Grower Program, processes quota lease and reallocation (sale) requests, and manages weekly reports for Marketing and Placements by working with producers, hatcheries, and processors.

Karen Miller

Business & Market Analyst

Karen performs statistical analysis, oversees the Grower Program, updates and communicates market information, prepares reports to support the Board and Committees, and liaises with the market information team at Chicken Farmers of Canada.


Please also note that the Western Poultry Conference and the Alberta Poultry Industry Reception and Tradeshow will be hosted the day before, on Monday, February 24, 2025, at the Red Deer Resort & Casino.

Alberta Chicken Producers' 59th Annual General Meeting Information:

Meeting Location:

In-person and Virtual Attendance Options:

  • Red Deer Resort & Casino - 3310 50 Ave, Red Deer, AB - Santano Room
  • Zoom Webinar

Producer AGM Information and Documents:

Producers - Click here to register

Meeting Documents: 

Industry Information:

Industry Invitation Letter

Industry - Click here to register

Accommodations Information: 

Reservation URL: https://reservations.travelclick.com/108483?groupID=3307168

Toll-free reservations line:  1.800.662.7197

Reservations email: reservations@rdrcasino.ca


Vision & Mission


Alberta’s chicken sector is collaborating to grow, create shared value and ensure chicken is consumers’ preferred and trusted protein.


Serve Alberta’s chicken producers by collaborating with key stakeholders to:

  • Create a thriving environment for sustainable chicken production.
  • Encourage a competitive, consumer-focused value chain.

2024 Strategic Priorities

  1. Championing a strong, effective, unified Value Chain
  2. Responding to a dynamic environment
  3. Building public trust and sentiment

Standards of Leadership:

  •  Value people
  •  Drive best practices
  •  Strive for continuous improvement
  •  Be a good corporate citizen; behave fairly and legally
  •  Be open and transparent
  •  Meaningfully engage producers, sector partners and consumers
  •  Be proactive, positive, and future-focused
  •  Actively create opportunities to improve and innovate within the sector
  •  Be effective and efficient


  1. Sustainably grow the chicken market served by Alberta producers.
  2. Champion a culture of continuous improvement and commitment to best practices across the value chain.
  3. Capture opportunities and work collaboratively with sector partners.
  4. Proactively build and maintain public trust in Alberta’s chicken sector, particularly among newcomers.
  5. Ensure all value chain participants are engaged and proudly contributing towards the success of the Alberta chicken sector.
  6. Be a valuable resource to Alberta producers and sector partners, and a recognized innovator within the Canadian sector.
  7. Be an innovative leader in the Canadian context.

Key Success Factors:

  • Collaboration 
  • Strategic Focus 
  • Continuous Improvement/Innovation
  • Organizational Effectiveness 
  • Adaptability 

Key Performance Indicators:

  1. Sustainable Growth Metrics. 
  2. Flock Health and Management Metrics. 
  3. Consumer Confidence. 
  4. Stakeholder Satisfaction (Producers and Industry Partners). 
  5. Regulatory Metrics. 
  6. Strategic Alignment. 
  7. Board Effectiveness. 
  8. Financial Metrics. 

Strategic Plan Updated December 2024

Commitment to Excellence

Strong Stakeholder Relationships

Working closely with our industry partners, we can adapt to changes in the market and address industry issues efficiently and effectively.

Emergency Preparedness

Alberta’s poultry industry has taken a lead in developing a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan. Each registered chicken Producer in Alberta has a copy of the Plan, and the plan is tested through Table-Top exercises annually.

100 % On-Farm Food Safety Certification

Mandatory requirement of our registered Producers’ licenses to market chicken. All registered chicken producers are certified annually under this third-party audited program.


Biosecurity is a mandatory component of the On-Farm Food Safety program, and best-practices are incorporated into our Producer Emergency Preparedness Plan.

100 % Animal Care Certification

Mandatory requirement of our registered Producers’ licenses to market chicken. All registered chicken producers are certified annually under this third-party audited program.

Commitment to Research

The Alberta chicken industry is strongly committed to Research. We support, in cooperation with the other feather Boards, the infrastructure of the Poultry Research Centre. Alberta Chicken Producers have contributed $900,000 towards the ‘capital fund’ for the Alberta Chicken Producers Poultry Technology Centre building located at the University of Alberta. In addition, Alberta Chicken Producers annually budgets $125,000 to be allocated to the Poultry Research Centre and research projects at the Funding Consortium table.

Annual Reports

Click to View Reports (PDF Format)



Current Openings:


Contact Us

Contact Information

2518 Ellwood Drive SW
Edmonton, AB T6X 0A9

Telephone: 780-488-2125

Toll-free: 1-877-822-4425

Fax: 780-488-3570


Office Hours

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Closed between 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch.